Marbled murrelet fledgling rescued. With the hand in the photo you can see how small it really is. Incidentally, murrelet fledglings should never be held directly in the hand as shown in this old photo. We now know that doing so damages the water-proofing characteristics of their feathers. For in-depth information on this species, click here.
Sensitive Fauna of the Santa Cruz Mountains Bioregion
Area Covered
All species whose breeding distribution includes the Santa Cruz Mountains Bioregion were considered for possible inclusion in this list with the exception of marine mammals. The boundaries of the Bioregion are from the Golden Gate in the north to the Pajaro River in the south and from the Pacific Ocean or Monterey Bay shoreline on the west to the San Francisco Bay margin, or the Highway 101 corridor (middle of Santa Clara Valley) on the east. The list includes anadromous or catadromous species, but species that live exclusively in the ocean or bay were not included.
Criteria for Designation as “Sensitive”
This list was last updated in June 2020. The initial version of this list was prepared in 2003. At that time, two or more well-qualified local experts on each taxonomic group were consulted. They were asked to weigh the likely fate of each species given the future projection of current trends in land use, population growth, and species’ distributions and demographics. If they felt that a species was more likely than not to become extirpated in the Bioregion in the next 50 years, then that species was proposed for inclusion in the list. If the experts disagreed, which rarely happened, the Board of Directors of the Bioregional Council made the final decision as to whether or not to include the species on the list. The Bioregional Council retains full responsibility for all species included in the list.
This list is not meant to be “set in stone”, but to change as new scientific information becomes available. The submittal of scientific information about any of the listed species, or about species proposed for inclusion is encouraged. Comments may be submitted to the Council care of Steven Singer, Project Coordinator, at this web site. Thumbnail accounts of a few species are currently available, and more will be added to this website in the future.
Value of this List
The Animal Species at Risk list represents the informed opinion of the Santa Cruz Mountains Bioregional Council, utilizing information from the available body of scientific literature and the opinions of wildlife professionals in academic institutions and government agencies. Although not sanctioned by any government agency, this is a science-based list. It represents the expert opinion of professional biologists and scientists within the Bioregion. Ultimate responsibility for the contents of this list rests with the Board of Directors of the Santa Cruz Mountains Bioregional Council.
It is hoped that this list will encourage greater protection of the habitat of listed species during any proposed land use activities. To this end, the Board of Directors encourages the widespread use of this list in environmental documents prepared by federal and state government agencies, the Association of Bay Area Governments, the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments, counties, cities, land conservancies, educational institutions, municipal water districts, open space districts, and private land owners.
descriptions and PHOTOS
Descriptions and many pictures of the mammals, reptiles, and amphibians at risk of extirpation in the Bioregion can be found on the Mammal Species page, the Reptile Species page, and the Amphibian Species page.